His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Tawfiq, Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs of...
For his role in promoting the sustenance of peace in the African...
ABU DHABI, 8th December, 2021 (WAM) — The UAE Fatwa Council has...
Fatawa Fikriyyah (Intellectual Fatwas)
Sadd Adh-Dhara’i` Wa Tatbiqatuh Fi Majal Al-Mu`amalat (Sadd Adh-Dhara’i` & Its Applications in Business Transactions
Amali Ad-Dilalat Wa Magali Al-Ikhtilafat (Semantic Indications and Spots of Difference)
Khitab Al-Amn Fi Al-Islam Wa Thaqafat At-Tasamuh Wa Al-Wi’am (Discourse of Security in Islam and Culture of Tolerance and Harmony)
Hiwar `An Bu`d (Dialogue from a Distance)