Islamic Insights
Advice Of Shaikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah On Unity
On Mar 03, 2012

Furthermore, the Quran says, “Do not disagree:” do not “tanaaza`u” that is a strong word in Arabic. It is different from “ikhtilaaf: disagreement.” “Tanaaza`u ” is saying, do not have conflict with one another-not disagreement-but conflict. Do not have conflict with one another, and if you do that, the wind that gives you strength to move... read more
Human Rights between Islam and the West
On Feb 06, 2012

With regard to human rights in the West as a universal principle, we are going to introduce their background and philosophy from a Western perspective through a Western writer. I will interfere with only some short and limited comments to draw attention to some useful points in comparison. This writer is called Asberon Eide, director... read more
Freedom as a Human Right
On Feb 06, 2012

This valuable word that poets eulogized and wise men recommended and for which bloods have been shed is derived from the word “hurr (free)” which, according to the Arabs, is an antonym to “salve” denoting the person who has full control over his affairs. But he is also the person who has good manners; because... read more
Human Rights in Islam
On Feb 05, 2012

In the Quran, there are various clear and strong texts that have delineated the fundamentals of human rights. However, the first declaration that can be called so is the magnificent speech delivered by the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) in the Farewell Pilgrimage before about 120 thousands of his companions who... read more
Islamic Criminal Law
On Feb 05, 2012

A historical glimpse over criminal laws: Since the dawn of history, man has lived a social life that necessitated organizing his relations with others through establishing rules that have a binding nature and must be respected in order to control aggressive instincts and the desires for debauchery “And [by] the soul and Him who fashioned... read more
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