Islamic Insights
Shura (Consultation) and Democracy
On Feb 05, 2012

Some researchers have taken the ruling system in Islam as a Trojan horse and started to deduce from certain historical practices the nonexistence of human rights in Islam and the abolishment of all legal and jurisprudential heritage in the Islamic history as if Muslims over their history lived in a forest where no right or... read more
Somalia Conflict & Fatwa Deviation
On Feb 05, 2012

Eminent Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, Vice-Chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IMUS), stated that fatwas permitting killing, as done by some youths in Somalia, are invalid, censuring the use of fatwas as a vehicle for fighting and tribulation, even if under the pretext of defending Shari`ah. In the last episode of “Ash-Shari`ah Wa... read more
Fatwa-Giving Is an Industry
On Feb 05, 2012

His Eminence Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, member of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, asserted that fatwa-giving is an industry and not a simple task done by anyone without adequate knowledge or insight. Bin Bayyah said, “Fatwa-giving seems problematic to some. When my book Industry of Fatwawas published, many found it ambiguous. In fact, industry is a... read more
Reference Unification Minimizes Fatwa Conflict
On Feb 05, 2012

Vice-Chairman of the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS), prominent scholar Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, emphasized the importance of having references to limit conflict of fatwas and opinions, confirming at the same time that such references need more effort and organization to be able to protect People of Sunnah by confuting their beliefs and convictions... read more
The Means to Deviation
On Feb 04, 2012

The erudite scholar Abdullah Ibn Bayyah, vice chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, pointed out the characteristics of terrorists and summarised them in three points. He mentioned that they have characteristics that are condemned and rejected by the shari`ah. These are extravagance, extremism, and adoption of strict positions. Ibn Bayyah said that Islam... read more
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