Islamic Insights
Islamic Economy vs. Western Economy
On Feb 04, 2012

Obviously, Islamic economy is not presented effectively. Existing models of Islamic banks and Shari`ah-compliant financial products have actually played some role, which is not bad, but there is much more they can contribute. Global economy is plagued with multiple ailments, some of which are technical and some in the underlying philosophy itself. And Islamic economy... read more
Islamic Financial Products
On Feb 04, 2012

In the Name of Allah, the Most-Gracious, the Most-Merciful Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, Head of the Shari`ah supervisory board at Saudi Arabia’s Allied Cooperative Insurance Group (ACIG), ascribed Muslims’ weak response to Islamic financial instruments to inadequate marketing and lack of effective trust-building promotional strategies. In an interview with Alriyadh newspaper, Bin Bayyah clarified that... read more
Shar`i Supervision of Financial Transactions
On Feb 04, 2012

In the Name of Allah, the Most-Gracious, the Most-Merciful All praise is due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon our master, Muhammad, and upon his family and Companions. Ladies and Gentlemen, Here comes Islamic Shari`ah to mediate between the West and the Islamic World in the field of business. Mathematics, with Al-Khwarizmi, and... read more
Muslim Women’s Participation in Religious Ceremonies
On Feb 04, 2012

Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, a well-known scholar, professor at King Abdulaziz University (KAU) in Jeddah, and member of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, stated, “The principle of blocking ways to evil requires making sure that women stick to Islamic morals and do not violate the Prophetic teachings on women’s going out to perform `Eid Prayer.... read more
Lebanon Suffers Political Conflict in Disguise
On Feb 04, 2012

Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah, Vice-Chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, described the current situation in Lebanon as “very bad.” He warned that this may hinder the Lebanese from dealing with their critical challenges, whether from the Zionist enemy or domestic issues. In an exclusive to, the prominent scholar rejected the viewpoint that... read more
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